OD01: Meeting in the Middle: Best Practices Teaching Informatics in Prelicensure Nursing Education

This session will discuss a review of how informatics curricula are implemented into nursing education and how the achievement of informatics competency is currently evaluated. The findings of the scoping review will inform future research in the integration of informatics curricula into nursing education and help identify best practices for teaching informatics.

Innovation in Practice
OD02: Mastery Learning: Defining Novice to Expert in a Health IT Context

This session will identify techniques that can be used to assess informatics learning needs of nursing staff, name best practices to train new and experienced nurses along novice-to-expert continuum, and explain how to create a multispecialty team to ensure representativeness, adoption, and sustainability of a health IT learning program.

Impact on Practice, Role & Career Development
OD03: The Leadership Mosaic: Piecing Together Traditional and Modern Approaches in Informatics

This presentation will describe a project undertaken to improve staff disengagement stemming from unclear role expectations, limited opportunities for professional growth, and a lack of recognition. Results from a three-year project will be presented, including much-improved metrics on an employee engagement survey.

Innovation in Practice
OD04: Pediatric Transition to Adult Care Standardization, Optimization, and Outcomes Measurement

We will discuss comprehensive pediatric transition to adult care documentation tools focused on transitioning patients to adult care who see multiple specialists and clinics, along with the methodology and strategy for system-wide deployment impacting multiple user roles and teams, outcomes data, next steps, and lessons learned. 

Quality Improvement and Patient Outcomes
OD05: Nurse Well-Being: A Journey to Reimagine Nursing Documentation

We will discuss our efforts on decreasing the burden of documentation using an interprofessional team approach that provides sustainable results while ensuring safe and quality patient care. 

Impact on Practice
OD06: Order Mode Optimization – A Cascade of Operational Efficiency and Regulatory Compliance

Order modes provide foundational functionality for the spectrum of order entry in Epic. They are, however, tightly linked to regulatory compliance and efficiency of clinical practice, often creating a conflict that manifests over time with numerous order modes, inconsistent standards, regulatory risk, and increased work for staff and providers. We will outline an improvement plan for definition of standards and best practice tune-up of order modes to reflect those definitions and drive appropriate protocol and standing order utilization.

Quality Improvement and Patient Outcomes
OD07: Are Informatics Degrees and Certification Really Worth It?

This session aims to provide nursing professionals with insights into the strategic advantages of advanced informatics education and certification, aiding in informed decisions about professional development in nursing informatics.

Role & Career Development