We've created pricing to allow more flexibility with your schedules and contact hour needs. Evaluate sessions online to earn any contact hours included in your Registration Package price. You will have 6 weeks following the virtual conference to complete evaluations. Access and print your NCPD/CNE certificates in the ANIA Online Library at any time.

Registration Package

ANIA Member Rate

Non-Member Rate

In-Person Main Conference Registration Fees


Postmarked by 2/20/2025 & before - early bird fee



Postmarked after 2/20/2025 & onsite - regular/onsite fee



Virtual Main Conference Registration Fee


Full-Conference Virtual (15 Contact Hours)



One-Day Registration Fees (In-Person Only, Choose Friday or Saturday)


Postmarked by 2/20/2025 & before - early bird fee



Postmarked after 2/20/2025 $ Onsite - Regular/Onsite Fee



Pre-Conference Workshops (In-Person Only)


Nursing Informatics Certification Review Course



Artificial Intelligence Workshop



Chapter Leadership Workshop



Building a Robust Nursing Informatics Department Workshop



Conference Deals and Discounts

Early Bird Registration Discount
Register by February 20, 2025, and save $100 on the regular conference registration fee. Mailed forms must be postmarked by February 20, 2025.

ANIA Member Discount

ANIA members save $100 on conference registration fees. To be eligible for this rate, you must be an ANIA member through March 31, 2025. If your membership expires prior to March 31, 2025, you may renew your ANIA membership to qualify for the member rate and then register for the conference. Click here for more information.

Not an ANIA Member? Join Now to Receive the Reduced Rate!
Join ANIA and get the discounted conference registration rate, plus gain all the benefits of ANIA membership! Join our welcoming community to:

  • Earn free contact hours for articles in the Journal of Informatics Nursing
  • Purchase ANIA educational resources at discounted rates
  • Access free webinars and online educational activities offering contact hours
  • Access the ANIA Career Center (full services for job seekers and employers)
  • Network with colleagues at national, regional, and local ANIA meetings
  • Participate in the ANIA Connect community
  • Enhance your leadership skills through volunteer opportunities

Payment Policy, Fees, and Confirmation Notice
All fees are in U.S. dollars. Registrations will be processed only when accompanied with full payment. If a check is returned by the bank for insufficient funds, full payment must include an additional $30 for bank processing charges and must be paid with a cashier’s check, money order, or credit card. If payment is not received by ANIA prior to the meeting, you must pay the full amount onsite. If you do not receive registration confirmation one week prior to the meeting, contact ANIA at 
aniareg@ajj.com. Purchase orders are not accepted as payment.

Cancellations and Substitutions
Cancellations and substitutions must be requested in writing. We will be happy to refund your registration fee less a $75 administration fee, if received prior to February 26
, 2025. No refunds will be made thereafter. Membership dues are nonrefundable. All other monies will be returned to the party who originally issued payment. If you are unable to attend, a substitution may be made. If the substitute is not an ANIA member, additional fees may apply.

In the event ANIA should find it necessary to cancel or postpone this conference for any reason including, but not limited to, registration responses, strikes, pandemics, or acts of God, ANIA will not be liable for registrants’ expenses. In whatever manner the cancellation/postponement is ultimately resolved, ANIA will act responsibly to protect members’ and registrants’ investment in the conference and association.

Accreditation Statement

This educational activity is jointly provided by Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. (AJJ) and the American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA). 

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the

California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP5387.

On-Demand Conference Sessions

On-demand conference sessions will be available for additional contact hour credit via the ANIA Online Library. These sessions are automatically included with your conference registration and feature pre-recorded conference content to enhance conference offerings. The planned on-demand sessions for the conference are listed below.

OD01: Meeting in the Middle: Best Practices Teaching Informatics in Prelicensure Nursing Education

Kathleen Morouse, DNP, RN, NI-BC, CCRN

Tracia Forman, PhD, RN, NI-BC, CNE

Nancy Husson, DNP, RN, CHSE

Marshall Muehlbauer, PhD(c), RN, PHN

This session will discuss a review of how informatics curricula are implemented into nursing education and how the achievement of informatics competency is currently evaluated. The findings of the scoping review will inform future research in the integration of informatics curricula into nursing education and help identify best practices for teaching informatics.


OD02: Mastery Learning: Defining Novice to Expert in a Health IT Context

Kerry O’Brien, MPH, BSN, RN, NI-BC

Deborah Jacques, MSN, RN, NI-BC

Echo Anran Zhang, MA

This session will identify techniques that can be used to assess informatics learning needs of nursing staff, name best practices to train new and experienced nurses along novice-to-expert continuum, and explain how to create a multispecialty team to ensure representativeness, adoption, and sustainability of a health IT learning program.


OD03: The Leadership Mosaic: Piecing Together Traditional and Modern Approaches in Informatics

Marc Perkins-Carrillo, MSN, RN, NI-BC, NE-BC, HACP

Lisa Baak, MSN, RN, NI-BC, SMC

This presentation will describe a project undertaken to improve staff disengagement stemming from unclear role expectations, limited opportunities for professional growth, and a lack of recognition. Results from a three-year project will be presented, including much-improved metrics on an employee engagement survey.

OD04: Pediatric Transition to Adult Care Standardization, Optimization, and Outcomes Measurement

Angela Kaiser, DNP, RN, CENP, CNL

Ashley McCool; Cassie Packard, BSN, RN

We will discuss comprehensive pediatric transition to adult care documentation tools focused on transitioning patients to adult care who see multiple specialists and clinics, along with the methodology and strategy for system-wide deployment impacting multiple user roles and teams, outcomes data, next steps, and lessons learned.


OD05: Nurse Well-Being: A Journey to Reimagine Nursing Documentation

Brooke Mielkie, MSN, RN

Kelly Weary, BSN, RN

We will discuss our efforts on decreasing the burden of documentation using an interprofessional team approach that provides sustainable results while ensuring safe and quality patient care.


OD06: Order Mode Optimization – A Cascade of Operational Efficiency and Regulatory Compliance

Michael Sheinberg, MD

Kathryn Hammer, MSN, RN

Order modes provide foundational functionality for the spectrum of order entry in Epic. They are, however, tightly linked to regulatory compliance and efficiency of clinical practice, often creating a conflict that manifests over time with numerous order modes, inconsistent standards, regulatory risk, and increased work for staff and providers. We will outline an improvement plan for definition of standards and best practice tune-up of order modes to reflect those definitions and drive appropriate protocol and standing order utilization.


OD07: Are Informatics Degrees and Certification Really Worth It?

Boomie Harvey, DNP, MS, RN, NI-BC

This session aims to provide nursing professionals with insights into the strategic advantages of advanced informatics education and certification, aiding in informed decisions about professional development in nursing informatics.

Media Release

ANIA occasionally uses photographs/video of conference participants in promotional materials. By virtue of your attendance, you agree to usage of your image in such media. In addition, any photos made public and shared through the official ANIA conference hub are the property of ANIA and may be used in promotional materials.

Conference Planning Committee and Abstract Reviewers

ANIA gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the below individuals on behalf of the annual conference.

2025 ANIA Conference Planning Committee

Mark Heyward Johnson, MHA, BSN, RN, NI-BC, CMSRN, CPHIMS, Chairperson

Katherine Taylor Pearson, DNP, RN, NI-BC, CPHIMS, CLSSBB, CPBI, CKM

Andrew Awoniyi, ND, RN, NI-BC

Joseph Cook, DNP, NI-BC, FACHE

Charla B. Johnson, DNP, RN-BC, ONC

Sheralyn Long, MHI, BSN, RN, NI-BC

Linda Wright, DrNP, RN, CNN, CCTC, Education Director

2025 ANIA Conference Abstract Reviewers

Deborah Chasco, DNP, NEA-BC, CCRN, APRN, CNS

Anna Fernando, MSN, RN, NI-BC

Tracia Forman, PhD, RN, NI-BC, CNE

Brooke Gaskins, MS, BA, RN

Eun-Shim Nahm, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA

Sharon Rochon, DNP, MSN, RN, PMP