Whether you are a medical assistant, physical therapist, nurse, advanced practice provider, or other healthcare worker, providing care to others can become overwhelming at times, we forget to take care of ourselves. We practice empathy and provide compassion to others day in and day out, but we often forget to have self-compassion. Yet, if we do not take care of ourselves, we cannot take care of others to the best of our ability and our personal quality of life suffers. This lecture will explore the importance and fundamentals of self-compassion with a workshop including self-compassion exercises that will help participants learn more about themselves, their capacity for self-compassion, and ways to expand their ability to practice self-compassion. Some of these exercises may be utilized in between seeing patients in the clinic or hospital to help reduce stress and provide a way to ground oneself. Other exercises may be more personal investigations and activities that can be explored in one’s own time.