Billie Lynn Allard MS, RN, FAAN, FAONL | 144: CCTM SIG - Leveraging AAACN Toolkits: Demonstrating RN Value through CCTM and NSI SIGs Collaboration to Enhance Patient-Centered Outcomes
Kimberly Alleman MBA-HM BSN RN AMB-BC CLSS-BB | 231: Medical Assistant Rapid-Fire Session
Shianne Bahm BSN RN | 211: RN-Led Initiative Rapid-Fire Session
Teresa Baird BSN RN CPN | 121: Telehealth Rapid-Fire Session
Sheryl Bartlett BSN RN | 234: Telehealth SIG - From Ink to Impact: Creation of a Telephone Triage Audit Tool (Scorecard)
Megan Beckerle MSN | 141: Pediatric Nursing Rapid-Fire Session
Sibil Blee MSN RN AMB-BC NPD-BC | 231: Medical Assistant Rapid-Fire Session
Annelise Bork MSN RN CNOR NPD-BC | 124: Pediatric SIG - Education Strategies for the 21st Century in Pediatric Ambulatory Care
Brenda Bos MS RN | 243: The Path to Enhancing the Ambulatory Care Registered Nurse Scope of Practice in a Center of Excellence Program
Alicia Bosse MBA BSN RN CMSRN | 113: Quality Nurse Triage Documentation Optimization
Barry Boyce MSN ACM RN | 213: One Pool That's Cool! Transitions and Care Coordination in an Integrated Healthcare System – Acute Care, Post-Acute Care, Ambulatory Care, and Payor
Linda Brixey RN-BC | 134: Staff Patient Education SIG - Patient Education Toolbox
Amy Cadoret MHA MSN NEA-BC AMB-BC | 246: Inclusion and Belonging Committee: The Evolution from a Task Force to a Working Committee
Ashley Campbell MSN RN NEA-BC | 231: Medical Assistant Rapid-Fire Session
Deborah Cantlin MSN RN CHFN | 144: CCTM SIG - Leveraging AAACN Toolkits: Demonstrating RN Value through CCTM and NSI SIGs Collaboration to Enhance Patient-Centered Outcomes
Christine Caraher MSN RN CPN | 141: Pediatric Nursing Rapid-Fire Session
Brigit Carter PhD MSN RN CCRN | 201: Using Inclusive Excellence Framework to Advance Health Equity
Debra Corbett BA CPHQ | 010: Understanding Value-Based Care: From Concept to Implementation and Beyond
Lynn D'Angelo DNP RN NEA-BC | 111: Safety Rapid-Fire Session
Joyce Danquah RN CCM | 141: Pediatric Nursing Rapid-Fire Session