Christina Madriz, IU Health Physicians
Aleesa Mobley, Rowan University SOM
Heather Bogrett, Cambridge Health Alliance

Medical assistants (MA) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs)/licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) have seen the expansion of their scope of responsibility that often does not align with their training and education—and RNs usually have oversight of these roles. Why are RNs not owning our territory? If not us, who, and when? Why do we keep waiting for someone to save us? The AAACN Advocacy Committee is partnering with the ANA to advance the state and federal conversations of title protection and nurse reimbursement. This presentation will assist nurses and nurse leaders in having conversations to answer these questions so we can create our narrative and be staunch advocates for our professional practice. We will also demonstrate how to bring state and federal issues and legislation into staff meetings, governance councils, and local chapters of professional organizations, as well as provide ideas in creating an "elevator speech" for RNs, no matter their role, to answer the inevitable question, “What exactly do you do?"