Faith Jones, HealthTech
Kae Livsey, Western Carolina Univ
Leondra Weiss, Sea Mar Community Health Center

While there are several issues impacting ambulatory care nurses, the AAACN Board of Directors (BOD) has charged the newly formed AAACN Advocacy Committee with advancing the issue of reimbursement for ambulatory care services provided by RNs. Not all policy happens in Congress, state legislatures, or federal or state agencies. Nurses also need to be engaged in various institutional and organizational policies that create or lift barriers to RNs’ ability to practice in roles that reflect their full scope of practice. Specific examples of how nurses have influenced local policy will be shared in this session to help stimulate ideas for participants to take home and address. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice use of RNAction, which is an electronic advocacy tool to write letters to elected officials at the national level.