124: Pediatric Priorities: Firearm Safety and Health Care Transition (Pediatric SIG)
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Amanda Batlle, Children's Healthcare-Atlanta
Marti Dudones, Akron Childrens Hosp
Annette Hamlin, Akron Children's Hospital
Samantha Styne, Rush Univ Med Ctr
Brandy Williamson, Children's Healthcare Atlanta
Marti Dudones, Akron Childrens Hosp
Annette Hamlin, Akron Children's Hospital
Samantha Styne, Rush Univ Med Ctr
Brandy Williamson, Children's Healthcare Atlanta

During the 2023 AAACN conference, attendees of the Pediatric Special Interest Group (SIG) session were asked to identify topics they viewed as most critical to their nursing practice in pediatric ambulatory care. This survey, along with a review of historical SIG community posts, aided the SIG advisory committee in collating topics of high concern for ambulatory care pediatric nurses. Two of the identified topics will be covered in a rapid-fire format during this session, healthcare transition: pediatric to adult and influencing gun safety in the community to reduce pediatric injuries. Exemplars from two distinct pediatric organizations dedicated to addressing these critical needs will be shared.
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